Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Another day...

Katy's throat hurts worse today, but otherwise she feels okay.  At least the Ambien allowed her a good night's sleep for the first time since this started.

Amy and Mike's little kitty, Etta, had to visit the vet today for a mystery limp.  She's hairless so they could rule out punctures and abscesses pretty easily, and no swelling means fractures are unlikely.  So she gets some pain medications and a week of "resting."  Thank goodness the pain meds make her sleepy, otherwise there would be no chance of keeping her still!  For now she's Katy's kitten-shaped hot water bottle, sound asleep under the blankets.

Etta Napping

Gram and Laurie stopped by for a moment and brought Katy an American delicacy; Jamba Juice!  All-fruit (really, non-dairy) smoothies don't exist in Australia apparently!  On the TV, "Dead Like Me," and all the animals are cuddled around the couch.  Sun shining outside the window, a hint of autumn in the air.  Just another day.

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