Friday, November 11, 2011

out of surgery!

Hey guys! I'm a bit woozy and doped up so I'll keep this short but wanted to let everyone know I'm doing well! I've been moved to my own room and I've even kept down half a sandwich! I'm surprised by how well I feel actually, I'm tender but not in much pain, my shoulder isn't too stiff and I haven't had any issues with nausea from my meds! I've also had such an amazing support team and such lovely people looking after me which has been a huge help! I had a wonderful dream while I was out that I was running up and down the beach with my two dogs (who were both much younger and healthy) while my late grandfather sat on a park bench eating a slice of cherry pie and watching us.

On a more medical note, although they removed more than the obviously diseased lymph node, the rest appeared pretty normal , but we'll find out more about them when the lab results come in next week. Also, the head of Endocrinology came by and cleared a few more things up for us. She explained that their main concern at the moment is my calcium levels. Last year during my surgery they had to transplant my parathyroids which are what controls calcium, and since then they seem to be working fine but I have been on the edge of low calcium levels. Their concern is that any swelling in my neck could affect these glands and they're ability to function properly. This is why I have to stay in the hospital for at least the night so they can monitor me since sudden calcium deficiency can make me extremely ill and is potentially life threatening. She also mentioned that I will most likely have to have another dose of radioactive iodine, but that wont be any time soon.

Thank you all for all the love and support! It's been really amazing and helped keep me is great spirits! I'm so glad to be moving forward and to have the surgery over with! I'll do a further update tomorrow when I'm hopefully less groggy.


  1. hi katy! it's been a while. im happy that this blog exists so i can read it and know how you're doing. keep up the positive spirits!

    - sarah gregory

  2. Yay Katy!! I'm glad to hear your surgery went well! So much love, keep your head up girl!

    Molly Saunders

  3. This is the best news I have had all day

  4. Good morning Katy. All of us in Reno were glad to hear the surgery went so well. I know that even with everything going great, post surgery is not a barrel of laughs; so hope your day is as comfortable as possible and your spirits continue to be high. I told Banderas what a brave and wonderful woman you are. He says Purrr. We love you.

  5. Good morning Katy! How was your night?...much love from your Thornton Cheerleaders!
