Thursday, November 4, 2010

frustrating news

Just got back from my endocrinologist appointment and got very frustrating and hard news. Turns out that the cancer was much worse than anyone would have thought and do to its extent I'll have to go off my hormone for the radioactive iodine treatment and "crash". It also means I wont be able to get my treatment as soon as i had hoped. I have to be off my hormone for at least three weeks first on top of the low iodine diet. But the good news is it hasn't really lowered my chances of a full recovery too much (from a %97 10 year survival rate to a 95% rate), and it's still a better chance than if i was getting the treatment anywhere else. The doctor kept telling us what an odd case I was and how rare it is for it to have been to invasive, but that since i'm young it shouldn't be too terrible, and it's still only a level one cancer case which i've probably had for years.

So we've planned it out with the doctor and if it all goes well i should be done by mid December! They took some blood today which will test my thyroglobulin which is only produced by the thyroid and will tell them how much is left. fingers crossed it's low! I've already started the low iodine diet, and i'll stop taking my hormone tomorrow. It has a half life of a week so i wont be feeling the effects of being off it till about a week after I stop. the crash will be fairly slow and since i'm young they assured me it shouldn't be to terrible. The worst side effect will be that i'll be exhausted more than anything. On the 29th of November I'll get the dose of radioactive iodone. I'll have to have a pretty big dose so I'll have to be isolated for at least 3 days, and have minimum contact with other for about a week. after that i can go back on my hormone and it'll take another 3 to 6 weeks to get it back up again. Than on the 10th of December I'll go back for a body scan. it will tell them how much and where the radioactive iodine has been absorbed. It will also tell them if it has spread anywhere else. There is a very small chance it may have spead to my lungs but we're not even going to think about that yet! After that if all goes well i should be done and able to finally go back home to Australia! About 6 weeks after the treatment i'll get a check up to make sure my hormone prescription is the right level, but other than that i shouldn't need anymore major doctors visits for 6 to 9 months when i'll go back for another body scan.

It's really sucky news to have received, but considering the long run it's a quick fix. And i'm determined to make the most of everything and still be able to laugh! Tonight my best friend Brad and I are going to go see comedian Bob Saget which should be a blast and a really great distraction. On Saturday my other best friend from Australia Frankie will come which will be another great distraction! We'll get to do all the fun touristy things I've never gotten to do before! And i'll be crashing a bit but at least i wont have to be isolated while she is here. I've even recruited Amy too cook us a fantastic iodine free thanksgiving feast! Basically it really fucking sucks, but like everything else, life goes on! All i can say is thank goodness i've got some iodine free chocolate!!!


  1. waahhhhh come home!! (i now you can't but still let me rant and throw a tantrum anyway) i was so super excited for to come home with frank, oh well i'll just have to be more adult and patiently wait some more. ( i'm trying this thing we're i act like an adult!) sucks on the news amigo, but your a rockstar and will fight on through it all. bahaha frank gets to look after you while your crashing hahaha, thats gonna be fuuuun. :D love your face woman.
    From Reeses
    aka Shanabanana
    Aka shana..... :D

  2. OHHHHH KATY!!!!! This was not the news any of us were hoping for!!!!!! Thank you for laying it out there technically and emotionally for all of us to share with you. It's a windy, stormy day and it's how I feel with you...I did salty tears into the wind off the helped a little...I re-read all the positives and your cheery ideas about sight seeing with Frankie and whatever Amy cooks up for you...and that helps a little...but the bottom line is I wish we could all wake up from this nightmare and you could rejoin your real world..that healthy happy life we thought you were's just sooooo bizzare....and it all comes down to what you said...just doing what you need to do right now...the swearing, and the positive and living of these are doing a great job of that! and know there are thoughts, energy and prayers coming right at you at about 25 knotts right now!!!! much love, AC

  3. Dear Katy and all,
    Difficult news, but thanks for keeping us posted. I hope you know how much everyone in Reno is thinking of ALL of you. What is iodine-free chocolate and where does one obtain it? I am impressed with your upbeat tone in spite of hard news. You are amazing and inspiring. So glad you and your Mom had a small respite in Cabo and that your dear friend from Australia is coming to visit. You are lucky to have such a true friend. We are thinking of you and will be throughout the next difficult weeks.
    Much Love, Becky
