Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Pathology Report

Just got off the phone with Pathology and my report is back from surgery. It basically just confirmed what the surgery suspected. There were multiple areas on both sides of my thyroid that showed signs of papillary tumors and cells. The right side had the dominant tumor (which was the one they originality found and diagnosed, so that's no surprise) out of the 14 lymph nodes they removed 11 were positive for papillary carcinoma as well. The majority of which were also on the right side. this means it was a locally invasive tumor. There are likely some cells that they didn't see, so the next step will be to see the endocrinologist once I'm healed and we'll discuss my options for the radioactive iodine, which will mop up the rest of the cancer cells in the area! I've also donated my thyroid to cancer research since I wont be needing it, and hopefully it can help them to help others going through this!

It's hard news to take, but it's what we were expecting. But the good news is that its now mostly out, and I still have the same great odds of a full recovery. I'm also feeling better and better every day! And my scar is giving me some great opportunities for Halloween costumes! We've got my post-op on the 26th, and my endocrinology appointment on the 4th, so we'll take it all as it comes.

1 comment:

  1. Hello there Katy. I have spoken with Frances tonight and poor thing is buried in work. She has one assignment to go and then she is done. Life it just not exciting without you - she misses you and your singing! Once she is done at Uni then she will definitely be counting the sleeps until she sees you. Just a short diversion in Melb to see us and her NY step brother and family... some time at the beach so I can hug her... and then she is on a plane to you. Not long now. I hope all continues to be well with you. Loads of rainbows and hugs to you until she arrives.
